Let's not forget,that what 9/11 "truthers" believe happened on 9/11 varies almost person to person. Some think no planes hit any of the buildings,some think there were planes but they were military planes,some think that high energy laser beams shot from WTC 7 vaporized the steel inside the Twin Towers causing them to collapse,some think bombs were placed on every floor of each building to cause a "sophisticated top down demolition". Apparently the truth varies a lot. Let's also not forget,that just like all pseudo science and pseudo intellectual movements,that no one in them does their own extensive experiments or calculations to prove their own points,they only arm chair the real investigations and say "I don't think so" or "that can't be" or "I just don't believe that".
One more little rant before I get to the hilarious interaction with a "truther" that contacted me.You always see the signs and t-shirts that say things like "Investigate 9/11" or "we need a new investigation" or things to that effect. My question to those statements is this; How many more investigations do they want and who do they think should carry out this investigation who couldn't be accused of being a government shill if the investigation,again,doesn't turn out their way? Their own "experts" are in no way qualified to do the kind of investigations(which have already been done) needed,since most of them are not scholars or experts in the relevant fields.So,it seems like a ridiculous statement to make and it's obvious the only investigation they won't write off is one that confirms what they believe.
Now,down to the meat and potatoes of what I really meant this entry to be about.Recently a "truther" commented on a comment I made on YouTube video of 9/11 debunking. This person,1NWOMD,was not to happy that I did not address his comment so he felt the need to e-mail me. In his comment he asked "Who was the head of security and the World Trade Center and Dulles airport?"and he told me to Google the specific question of "who was head of security at the world trade center on 9/11".
This is the e-mail I received[sic]:
"You didnt answer my question!! WHO WAS HEAD OF SECURITY AT THE WORLD TRADE CENTER??????? WHO WAS IT???"
Quite an irritating and obviously insane message,right?I thought that since this person insisted so emphatically that I answer his question ,that I would oblige and do as he asked. I already knew the answer to this question but I assumed he was looking for a different answer than the one I knew,so I Googled that sentence and got an interesting result to an article on a conspiracy website entitled; "9/11 Security Courtesy of Marvin Bush". Ah ha,very interesting! I'll let you in on a little secret,in case you didn't already know,but this is not the correct answer. At first I was going to write back with the correction,but at the last minute I decided to give him the answer he was looking for only in this reply back:
"Yes,you're correct,I didn't answer your question,so I will answer it now.
First I would point out how irrelevant who was the head of security at the WTC is,since no matter who it was would have no way of preventing air craft from flying into them. Alex Jones could have been the head of security and it would have made no difference.
So,your question is "who was the head of security?" and you suggested I should Google it for the answer. I got an interesting result when I did so,the result I'm sure you are looking for,which said "9/11 Security Courtesy of Marvin Bush",so I'm assuming Marvin Bush is the answer you are looking for,correct?"
Will he take the bait? You bet he does! Get a look at this hilarious rant,which all of is incorrect,and especially on the Marvin Bush part.
"It is irrelevant to you because you don't give a shit WHO is really responsible! Irrelevant because you wont look at any evidence other than what the president has outlined!
If Marvin P Bush wanted the buildings to be demolished HE would be the one that could do it!
How the hell is it NOT relevant!! It has EVERYTHING to do with 911 because MARVIN P BUSH is accountable for who is in his building!! He is responsible for the power outages in the buildings in the weeks leading up to 911! If a building could be rigged with explosives HE had to know about it!! If there were a demolition set up in the building HE would have been the one to pull it off with out the tenants knowing about it!! It just so happens that Marvin P Bush was not only head of security for the WTC but DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT the very airport the hijacked plains took off from!! What a coincidence!!! This is called CAPIBILITY!!
As head of security for Dulles he could have let hijackers through the airport! He could have had let them put a half-ton of C4 on the plane for all we know! If the head of security lets them through there would have been nothing to stop them! Being brother to the president, if Marvin Bu$h wanted this plane to hit the WTC all he would have to do is ask! George W. would be the one to make sure NORAD doesn't shoot his plain down! CAPIBILITY, MEANS and AUTHORITY!
The trade towers were filled with ASBESTOS!!!
How about a $7 billion insurance clame Larry Silverstein took out just weeks before 9-11
That specifically specified, "acts of terrorism" Not only that Larry SAID that HE PULLED BUILDING 7- Term for professional controlled demolition
The WTC was Hermetically sealed- Airtight! It cost millions/year to heat, light, cool, and to just provide air throughout the building. They made it this way to prevent fires form making the building going up like a torch. (This is why they didn't just set the buildings on fire.) This is why the buildings didn't burn hot enough to "melt steel" with people standing next to the openings no less. lol
The WTC was filled with ASBESTOS insulation!!!! The cost to remove would be in the billions and no insurance company would cover the cost!
Larry Silverstein knew all of this and still decided to buy theses two white elephants only 6 weeks before 9-11!
Put options were 1000 times more than usual!!! Insider trading and fraud of $Trillions took place in the moments leading up to the attacks!
There were $220 Billion worth of gold in JUST ONE ACCOUNT alone in the vaults at the WTC!!!! Only $200,000. of it was found!!
The BU$H family, Marvin, Jeb and George had MOTIVE, OPPORTUNITY, AUTHORITY, CAPIBILITY, RESOURCES, MEANS, ACCESS, an "intelligence department devoted to A COVER STORY and most of all and a bought off press owned by defense contractors to sell it all to the public so they can have their CASH COW, their "PRETEXT" for war to attack any oil rich country they want!!! How about that investigation?? Nothing like "investigating yourself" And BU$H did censoring 37 pages form the 911 whitewash report!!"
Wow,I think it's safe to say that he not only took the bait,but he also swallowed the hook!This is exactly what I was hoping for so that I could expose him as someone who doesn't even know the basic event's of 9/11.
My response:
"Well,now that I have your stance I guess I should reveal that I wasn't quite honest with my answer. Notice how I said I found an "interesting" result when I Googled the question you asked.I already knew the answer to the question,but I thought that I would check out what you wanted me to.It was interesting because Marvin Bush was NOT the head of security,and I don't know where anyone got the idea that he was. The actual head of security at the WTC,who was killed during 9/11 trying to save people from the buildings,was John O'Neill.This is common knowledge which shows that you read too many 9/11 conspiracy websites that don't even get basic facts right.
Now let's show,again,how you don't even have BASIC knowledge of what happened on 9/11.American Airlines Flight 11,which crashed into the NORTH TOWER,came from.....Logan International in BOSTON,not Washington.Guess where United 175,the plane that crashed into the SOUTH TOWER,came from?Wow,Logan airport in BOSTON,again,not Washington! Both flew out of Boston,and both were cross country flights to L.A,which is why they were chosen because they would have the maximum amount of fuel on board to cause the most destruction.So,as you can see you're WRONG on both counts. United 93,which crashed in PA,flew out of Newark,and was also a cross country flight to San Francisco. Last is American 77,which is the ONLY plane out of the 4,to fly out of D.C,which was also a cross country flight to L.A. So much for Marvin Bush letting the hijackers on the planes to crash them into the WTC,since he was not "head of security" at either. Notice how all four planes took off very close to their targets,which is good for not being shot down,especially in a sea of hundreds of air planes flying about,and all were cross country flights which meant full tanks of fuel.
So since your premise of Marvin Bush being "head of security" for the WTC buildings,and of the airport the planes that crashed into them came from,is false,then feel free to admit that you have no real clue about anything that happened on 9/11 and that you only get your information from conspiracy websites and movies which don't even agree with each other about what the conspiracy is,who also get the main events wrong.
Now,since your basic knowledge of the main events of 9/11 is extremely low,do I really need to address your list of "motives",one of which even people like Alex Jones says is now a wrong conclusion? Do you wish,do you desire?I will,but you'll,again,look stupid."
I suppose "1NWOMD" learned his lesson because it's been a few day's and still not a peep.This just illustrates perfectly that these truthers,who think they know facts,don't even know the basics and then try arrogantly to confront people who have actually done things like read the 9/11 Commission report and the 10,000 page NIST report.
Just for those who might not know all the details of how wrong Mr.1WOMD is,I'll fill you in on the failed Marvin Bush connection before I end.
Marvin Bush used to be on the board of a company called Stratesec,but he resigned in 2000.Stratesec did have the WTC as one of it's clients,but it was electronic security services only(those damn cameras were in on it,i knew it!Sneaky bastards.) and on top of that their contract ended in 1998! So,as you can see this connection was cut well in advance of 9/11,and even the connection they used to have with the buildings had nothing to do with physical security on the premises which totally blows away an idea of Marvin being "head of security".This just shows how far conspiracy theorists try to stretch facts to make a connection.
If I ever get a reply from 1WOMD I'll be sure to post it,but I highly doubt that one is in the works.
9/11 inside job,
you're a dork. 9\11=inside. Just because you don't see the connections in the incredibly misleading official reports, does'nt mean anything.
This is how you cover up.
Ofcourse the connections won't be made EASY to spot, and it might take us 40 years to get the real picture.
But the hard evidence indicates insidejob.
The government\CIA\Skull&Bones\bankers is a huge mafia orginization. And it's right there in plain sight.
Great job in debunking the stupid people Aaron - the sad thing is - it won't make a bit of difference. The conspiradroids will just assume you area government shill being paid to cover up their brilliance...
And you still get some nutballs commenting!!
Well done!
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