The first proof that his scientific literacy leaves very much to be desired,came on June 5th when he said during a GOP debate that he does not believe in evolution.In an earlier debate he made statements about how he did not believe in evolution,so he was asked about those statements and asked what he did believe.He started out by saying:
"It's interesting that question would even be asked of someone running for President,I'm not planning on writing the curriculum for and 8th grade science book..."First of all,if he thought it had no business being in a debate,why did he bring it up in an earlier debate that he didn't think evolution was true?Apparently he did not find it strange or irrelevant then,but thats not the main point I want to make about this opening statement.The most important point is that evolution is a scientifically robust and well proven theory and it's important to know what kind of regard for the scientific community a President will have.He's acting like scientific literacy has no impact or role in the job of the President,and he couldn't be more wrong.
Take for instance,our current president,who is also a scientific dead head.One major area where scientific progress has been hindered by the President and other politicians in Washington is in stem cell research. President Bush gave a speech in May,2005 about embryonic stem cell research and how it's unethical because it destroys the embryo and that every human life is of "matchless value".Ironically for the President,he decided to give this speech while surrounded by 21 families who have adopted "snowflake" children that came from frozen embryos,obviously not understanding that those children wouldn't be there if it wasn't for....embryonic stem cell research!So,you see,when you are a scientific numskull you end up doing things like giving speeches against something while at the same time surrounding yourself with the product of it.
Huckabee then continued by giving the typical mis-representation that if you believe in evolution then you believe:
"..that it's just an accident and that it happened all on it's own"Of course,he also creates the false dichotomy that you either believe in God or you believe in evolution,which isn't true as most of the religious community,including evolutionary biologists, have no problem finding no conflict between their faith and scientific discovery.Only the really fundamental super duper Bible literalists have a problem with evolution and Huckabee showed he's one of that category with his prior statement of:
"In the beginning,God created the heavens and the earth."Wow,really?Man,I guess we should just end all the research into Cosmology and Abiogenesis.How can you argue with a QED statement like that?I think all the scientific journals need to end their stupid publications and instead just print a single sentence issue on half a sheet of paper that just reads "God did it".
Now,let's get to proof number two!
In a recent interview on the ABC show "This Week",Huckabee decided he was going to make an analogy about how he's like a Bumblebee when he was asked about people suggesting that he is not a real contender for President.
"It's kinda like the old story of the Bumblebee.By the aeronautical design of the Bumblebee,the wing span,circumference of the Bumblebees body,it's scientifically impossible for the Bumblebee to fly.But,the Bumblebee,being unaware of these scientific facts,flies anyway and makes honey and pollinates the other plants."I'm sure,to the great majority of people,that sounded like a reasonable and witty analogy,and by the look on his face after this statement,Huckabee thought it was too.Too bad everything he said was 100% WRONG!
- Aeronautics is the design and building of aircraft,not the study of how something flies,that's aerodynamics.Maybe he was implying that God is a bad aeronautical engineer and that magic is what makes them fly,but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and just assume he mis-spoke,since he at least got the aero part right.
- It's not scientifically impossible for Bumblebees to fly,thats a myth,it's well understood how they fly,so the whole premise of the Bumblebee achieving what people think is impossible is incorrect.
- Bumblebee's do not make honey.Sorry to say,but not all bee's make honey and unbelievably Honeybee's are the only type of bee that produces honey.See,the name is the indicator.Who would have known?
I guess the moral of these stories is that scientifically illiterate Presidential candidates = bad,and if you're going to try to make a witty analogy at least try to get something right about it.
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